The Fluffy Pets | Amal Mega Project Blog 2

Areeb Ashraf
8 min readJun 4, 2021


Blog # 2 | Circle # 1 | The Fluffy Pets

Amal Circle #1
- Abdus Sami (Leader)
- Areeb Ashraf
- Ammar Ahmed
- Amna Noor
- Aiman Salam
- Abdul Rafay
-Muhammad Umar

Progress Made So far

After the stringent effort, we reached up to the execution of our refined idea. We started working on our project that was related to making a single platform (website) where the pet owners will find most of this stuff for their pets easily and get it delivered at their doorsteps. For this purpose, we needed to make a website and an Instagram page for the promotion of our idea and sell our projects like pet accessories, pet food, and clothing. The challenge that came our way was how to find the developer who can make the website within 2 weeks and continuously provide the support services in future with the minimal prices. Every member in the group approached their friends who were doing web development and we were trying to find the lowest prices. Abdus Sami came to know about his friend who was luckily got agreed to create the website with only the charges of web hosting and domain Sami set up a meeting with his friend where they discussed the outlook and the material which will be uploaded on the website. It’s only been a week since the meeting with the developer and we took an update from the developer and he said that the website will be completed within 10–15 days.

Instagram Account

Meanwhile, the website was under the way, we decided to make an Instagram account and we had to select a logo for our website and Instagram account too. Ammar was assigned with the part of creating some unique logos and we mutually decided on the following logo for our website.

Logo for the Website.

Mega Project Parts:

To begin our mega project, our main focus was on the three following things.

1- Vets Information: We decided to put the Vets information on our website as social work and for now, we are not planning to charge any commission from the doctor nor to the patient for the appoints made from our website.

2- Food points for stray animals: We also decided to set up the food point for stray animals as a part of social work.

3- Pets Accessories: Our plan, in the beginning, was to add at least one unit in the project where we could make some profit and use them for the social work mentioned above.

1- Vets Information:

As a part of social service, we decided to make a separate section in our website name as “Vets Information” where the information of vets from different areas of Karachi will be shared. Areeb and Rafay were assigned to complete this task within a week. They decided to select different vet clinic from in Karachi so therefore, they selected 10 vets from different areas based on their ratings on google. Information including:

1- Days and timings of the vet’s clinics

2- Clinic checkup charges

3- Home visit charges

4- Number of doctors available in the clinic

5- Address of the clinic

6- Contact number

Although, It was not an easy task because taking into consideration the situation of the city. Clinic owners were reluctant to provide us the data required as we did not have the website ready to assure them about the cause of asking for the data. Some vets declined our call thinking we are scammers and wasting their time. So to conclude the list of 10 vets we had to make calls to around 16 vets out of which 10 agreed to provide us the details.

2- Food points for Stray Animals:

Our circle also decided to work for the betterment of stray animals and this is also a major part of our megaproject. We planned to install food and water points for them and will name them Fluffy Food Points. We got this idea from Instagram where a person has shared this picture below:

This was simple but a very unique idea and we have never seen such a thing in Karachi. Also, it was easy to make food points which can be done with PVC pipes. Initially, we decided to collect the funds from different people and make animal food point but due to some Covid restrictions, we decided to make the food point on our own and planned to distribute the expenses among the team members.

Sami, Ammar, and Rafay met to purchase the PVC pipes and set up the food point in at least 2 places for now. They purchased the PVC pipes but the main problem was to cut those pipes and joined them with the other pipes in such a way that they look just like the pictures mentioned above. That’s where the three engineers came up with an idea not to delegate this task to the shopkeeper rather they did it by themselves.

Rafay, Ammar and Sami busy making the food points out of PVC Pipes.

They arranged a knife and glue, cut the pieces in the desired shapes, and glued them. They also purchased the hooks and spikes to fix the point points on either a tree or on a wall. In the beginning, we needed to install the food points where we can keep an eye on the food and water and refill it when needed so we decided to install the food points in the University of Karachi. Therefore, we made two food points both are near a respective canteen but are a distance from each other. We filled the food point with water and pet food which we purchased earlier.

Glimpse of one of the installed Fluffy Food Point

3- Pet Accessories:

For the pet accessories, we searched for the most commonly used or we can say the most needed stuff for the pets and we created a small stock in our inventory initially to see the response of the customers and our targeted audience.

Initially, our accessories include the following items:

● Cat collars

● Puppies and dog collars

● Dog harness

● Cat collars with chains

● Cat toys

● Dog chewable bones

● Brushes for cats and dogs

● Pet hair and lint removal brush

● Food bowls

We started our accessories store with these few items and we are planning to grow our store with more unique, handmade and, most comfortable stuff for the lovely pets out there. We aim to sell these stuff at the cheapest rate one can find out there in the online market without compromising on quality.

Future Work:

To make The Fluffy Pets as one of the most useful website and the go to website for every pet owner we have researched about the following topics and will be working on them in the future too.

1- Buy & Sell Portal for Pets:

We have planned to provide a platform for people to connect with each other through our website for the purpose of either buying, selling or adopting variety of pets. Since our website is currently in progress to be completed, as soon as the website will be functional, this service is expected to be launched soon and will be one of the most important and crucial part of our website.

Pet shop owners will be majorly benefitting from our service and will be able to reach out to more customers. On the other hand, Pet-owners will be also be connecting to their desired pet-shop owners with less efforts and hassle, saving both their time as well as energy.

2- Clothing for Pets:

This service is being provided by our brand specifically targeting the upper-class pet owners. As many of passionate pet-owners often like their pets to be dressed in fancy clothing, especially if there is some kind of occasion. We have kept this need of pet-clothing in our future-plans and we will be soon working on it.

We have thought of buying bulk quantity of clothing material and we are planning to get it stitched by local home-based tailors, ensuring only quality clothing to be sold by our brand.

3- Pet Trainers:

Pets often have a tendency to memorize the verbal or non verbal instructions given to them and they can re-act accordingly as desired. Of course, they have to be trained by a skilled trainer first.

Through the platforms of ours, we have also planned to connect pet-owners with skilled pet trainers, so that their pets can be trained and follow their orders.


In the end, I would love to give shout out to my entire circle#1 team. Without them nothing could be possible. They remain active throughout this project. Always remain helpful, motivating and encouraging each other, participated actively, loved their ideas on what can be our next steps and most importantly working in tight deadlines. I am impressed by the commitment they shown throughout this project. Without them this all couldn’t be possible.

Animals are sentiment, intelligent, perceptive, funny and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children.

