Amal Totkay

Areeb Ashraf
2 min readApr 8, 2021


The era we are living in is constantly changing is constantly changing we the passage of time and not only changing its advancing day my day. If we observe and look around ourselfs or the the workplace we are working in, we witness new technologies is being introduced which do the work of 2 manpower alone. To cope up with the technology we have to upgrade ourself and thats where growth mindset comes in.

Growth Mindset, describes people who believe that their success depends on time and effort. People with a growth mindset feel their skills and intelligence can be improved with effort and persistence. They embrace challenges, persist through obstacles, learn from criticism and seek out inspiration in others’ success. Growth mindset is another name of a leader who is lifelong learner.

A person can build a growth mindset by practicing the following Totkay:

1- Self Talk
2- Get out of your comfort zone
3- Create new habits
4- Ask people help
5- Fake it till you make it
Lets discuss them now.

If we talk about the first Totka which is you might think is similar to writing a notebook at the end of the day, then well you can relate it with it but to build a growth mindset you have to mindset in yourself that you will do it and by keep talking to yourself and repeating you can do this, you got this a habit will develop in yourself which will never encourage you to give up.

I like the second Totka which is getting out of your comfort zone and accepting challenges. Accepting challenges means you are pushing your self to the limits.

Creating new habits could be like reading a book if you don’t and might include playing a video game or helping someone. By making a change in ourself we actually prepare our mind to be flexible and start adjusting in different situations.

Many of us do not like delegating work to others as we believe the other might not perform that work with perfection thats where the forth totka comes in. We have to accept that we can not do everything by ourself and doing everything by ourself might consume alot of time.

Here comes the last one which is Fake it till you make it. I’m now sure that whether you have heard the dialog “All iz well” which is from an Bollywood movie 3 idiots. It’s like calming your self, being in the confidence and acting like everything is fine.

I have started implementing the totkas one by one and Self talk and getting out comfort zone is favorite. Because at the end of the day you have to focus on what new thing we learnt and how productive our day was.

