Fixing Stuff Around Yourself

Areeb Ashraf
2 min readApr 1, 2021


On Wednesday evening, After returning home from office at around 07:00 PM, I thought to take a 30 minutes nap before taking my online class of Advance Accounting Financial Reporting which was of 3 hours. I changed my cloths and went to my room where i saw a pile of cloths all over my bed.

`Imagine yourself all tired entering the room and see this. What would you do?

At first i got a bit angry that why they are on my bad at the first place and why aren't they in the gallery? I rushed to my mother and asked her the same thing. On which she said she will fold them and put them in the closet. I saw my mother as she was already busy in cooking so i decided why not surprise her and i do all the folding and put them in the cupboard?

Without any second thought coming from my tired mind, i rushed to my room and locked it and started folding them one by one. At first i thought they are soo much and they will take my nap time but the second thought hit me hard that my mother will be happy that i did that all by myself. So after spending 30 minutes on folding of cloths instead of taking a nap my room looked like this later:

What is more satisfying than this picture? ❤

By doing such small act I felt happy and my mother was smiling that what made all my tiredness disappeared. Although it was not something I do everyday but Amal initiative of ‘Fixing stuff around yourself’ motivated me to do this work and at first i did it for the sake of an assignment but after doing it i actually felt good and pretty satisfied. This made me realized that after just doing small things for the other, it makes us happy and also by doing someone’s work decrease the load of such person.

