Areeb Ashraf
2 min readApr 23, 2021

Interested Challenge

As our Amal challenge was to talk to people without talking much about ourselves, I would like to associate this challenge with a most common phase we usually come across on Instagram and every other social media platform, “a listener needs a listener too” so I blended our task and this phrase in my head and started going through my friend list and encountered my long lost school friend. Long lost because we did not catch up after college but we were quite aware of what’s up with each other through all these Whatsapp statuses, yes you heard me right! One fine day he put up a picture of his fyp so I took my chance and asked, “Hey, man I kinda like your FYP idea” and later on I knew every single thing about his project right from the project proposal to project execution. I’d say I redeemed myself for the years we did not talk! IT WAS A LONG DAY though! Pun entirely intended.

This challenge was more like a reality check right on my face because I started my professional career back in 2020 and since then my schedule and sleeping patterns have been reversed. Coming home when my family is asleep and then leaving early subsequently, so this challenge urged me to take a break and hang with my family. So, this zombie went back to life and greeted everyone thankfully they still recognize me! So, over a cup of tea with my father, I casually initiated the conversation and asked what’s up with his work. I believe after Chandler Bing my father is the 2nd most sarcastic man I know! He did not spare a single second and shot me up with “Did you just confuse me with your laptop?” (I spend my 23/24 hours working on my laptop) and that was my father to you. That conversation really went well for us and that’s how I aced my task!

While I was running for some errands I bumped into a friend of mine who just came from the UK to Pakistan to celebrate Eid this year with his family. So, after all the formal greetings I casually asked him about how did his time go back in the UK and I can affirm solemnly that boys are as talkative as girls! I don’t regret asking him about his experience as he took me on a virtual tour which I label as “around the UK within 60 minutes” From Heathrow airport to his university, best desi food in Leicester city and roommates he spoke about everything. All and all, I had a good time listening to an old friend after ages. But, on my way back home I just realized I have been pronouncing water wrong all my life. Now wo-tah doesn’t feel the same anymore if you know you know!

#Amal #InteresedChallange