Amal Mega Project

Areeb Ashraf
2 min readApr 8, 2021


In this blog I will be sharing my idea for the Amal mega project which I found very interesting and even i have named my start up as Innovation Inc.
Following is a introduction of my company and the services we will be providing.



1- Executive Summary

2- Potential Market

3- Services

4- Who are we

This marketable strategy for a service organization is selective in its concise showcase of significant rules to progress. Joining the field-tested strategy with particular and proper central focuses with consistently huge points gives an exact showcase of the association’s goals and an influential idea on the course of business.

1- Executive Summary

Software Company Business plan is extraordinarily intended for programming experts.

Ovation Inc. is a startup organization whose vision is to provide IT services in the most professional manner. Worldwide economies have experienced a boom in online business sector after the spread of COVID-19. This heavy increase has also created a huge requirement for IT services and service providers to accommodate the increase.

2- Potential Market

Digital Shopping/e-commerce business owners experienced a hike in sales during this period. Not every business owners know the technicalities of operating digitally. The expected market for Ovation can be just portrayed as being “huge”. Retailers are searching for an option at their online businesses, which are time, work and cost efficient. The company will be formed to assist such business owners by providing digital services for swift and smooth business operations.

3- Services

Ovation Inc. aims to offer following services to its customers;

- Website Designing

- Website Running and Maintenance

- Website development

- Social Media Campaigns

- Social Media Marketing

- Document Designing

- Graphic Designing

4- Who are we?

Ovation Inc will have its company office in Karachi, Pakistan. Our team will be led by four IT professionals. The Graphic Design department will have two leaders who are final year bachelor students in Pakistan’s reputable universities. Website development department is supervised by an expert of web development who is also a final year Computer Science Bachelor student. Website running and maintenance has leadership of an expert website developer.

