Visualizing Experience

Areeb Ashraf
3 min readJun 11, 2021


Visualizing Amal Journey? If I close my eyes right now and think about the last 3 months at Amal, a slide show would probably start in my mind right from the very first session where I was all nervous and I wasn't even sure whether I would be able to complete the fellowship or not to the last session where we fellows were about the random stuff on zoom after the class. From a batch of around 70 people who probably haven’t met each other earlier to the end of the session where we all share such a strong bond. Thanks to a friend of mine who suggested me this course.

To be very honest, I was not confirm about the Amal academy and their course outline before the first session. But after the orientation, things were pretty clear and I was sure that I’ll try to make it till the end of the course.

In the first 2 weeks, I basically learned how to use google class room as all the assignments were to be uploaded there. I had no experience of using class room earlier in my life because the field I’m associated with, there was never a need of using it. So, in the first 2 weeks we learned the team work, time management, conflict resolution and other different things. So to practice our team work skills we were assigned to the different breakout rooms and that was kind of a first temporary learning group where we were together for 2 weeks.

First Learning Group

The pictured shared above reminds me of the first 2 weeks at Amal because in the picture shared above, we were discussing about the conflict which was incurred between 7 people. It was a case study of LUMS and we has to come up with the solution so we just acted that whole scenario during the zoom meeting and came to the conclusion. Also, it reminds me of the story play that fellows did in the session and the way the played the character was hilarious.

Another thing relating to the first 2 weeks were the finding of WHY? the purpose of life and the goals of life and then changing them into SMART goals. Even though, I was sorted about my life and the choices I made and I had plan for the next 3 years but, when I saw the bigger picture and looked my self after the 10 years incorporating the technological advancement that would have made. It made me quite worried, because to cope up with the advancement of technology I had to prepare my self from the beginning and learning digital skills that would excel my career in future. So, with the help of SMART goals I was able to break my goals into milestone and allotting them time so that I achieve them accordingly.

If I conclude my first 2 weeks experience I would say, I learned how to work in a team and how to resolve the conflict arising between the group members keeping in mind to respect each other's point of view. Also, through SMART goals I have a clear picture of the target and I can now see my self in the next 5 years with that detailed SMART goal.

